Policy, assignments, and
reading guide
TAM 2020, Fall 2010
Homework policy: To get credit, please do these things on each homework.
a) Hand in to a TA mailbox in Thurston 102 by 10 PM on Wednesdays (you need to know your TAs name). Unless stated otherwise, homework from lectures in one week (Mon, Wed and Fri) are due the following week on Wednesday. A grader may or may not accept a late homework for reduced credit, contact your grader (see course staff page).
b) On the first page of your homework, please put the following to ease sorting:
On the top left corner
please put your section information, e.g.:On the top right corner
neatly print your name, course, date, e.g.:1:25 PM Section 207
TA: Rafael WongSally Golnaraghi
TAM 2020
HW 1, Due Sept 1, 2010
c) At home, please put a Staple at the top left corner. Folded interlocked corners fall apart. Paperclips fall off.
d) Cite your help. At the top of each problem clearly acknowledge all help you got from TAs, faculty, students, or any other source (with exceptions for lecture, text and section, which need not be cited). You could write, for example: "Mary Jones pointed out to me that I needed to draw the second FBD in problem 2." or "Nadia Chow showed me how to do problem 3 from start to finish." or "I copied this solution word for word from Jane Lewenstein " or "I found a problem just like this one, number 386.5.6, at cheatonyourhomework.com, and copied it." etc. You will not lose credit for getting and citing such help. Don't violate academic integrity rules: be clear about which parts of your presentation you did not do on your own. Violations of this policy are violations of the Cornell Code of Academic Integrity.e) Every use of force or moment balance must be associated with a clear correct free body diagram.
f) Your vector notation must be clear and correct.
g) Every line of every calculation should be dimensionally correct (carry your units, read Appendix A of online book).
h) Your work should be laid out neatly enough to be read by someone who does not know how to do the problem. Part of your job as an engineer will be to convincingly get the right answers. Your job on the homework is to practice this.
i) Some problems may seem like make-work because you already know how to do them. If so, you can get full credit by writing in full "I can do this problem but don't feel I will gain from writing out the solution" or, in short, "Can do, don't want to." You can keep doing this unless/untill your grader/TA challenges your self-assessment.j) Computer work should be well commented (sample). Your name should be near the top of the computer text file. Before handing in, you should highlight (or circle with a colored pen) your name on the computer printout. At least some part of any other computer output should also include your name, printed by the computer. Highlight (or circle) your name on each page.
k) At least one problem in each week should be "solutions quality". This should start on a fresh page, use single sides, and not have a new problem start on the same page. It should be self-contained, including, for example, enough of a problem restatment so that a reader need not see the original problem statement. It should be clear and convincing enough so that another TAM 2020 student (who has not done the problem and does not know how to do it) can read your solution, understand it, and judge that it is correct. The first word of this solution should be "SOLUTION". Your solution may be selected for posting (without your name). If you do not want your solution posted, please say so on the top of each homework.
l) Grading and regrading. We have a reasonable homework grading and re-grading policy.
Study advice: Try to do assigned homework problems from beginning to end with no help from book, notes, solutions, people, etc., yourself without looking up even one small thing. Explain, at least outloud to yourself, every step. If you did need help, then afterwards start the problem over by yourself without looking up even one small thing. Then similarly do other problems that are like the assigned problems. Then do old prelims and exams. Finally, for A+ style studying, invent and solve your own problems.
Homework assignments below subject
to change until
3 AM of the morning after the lecture associated with
the HW
(e.g., Aug 25 assignment is not set in stone until Aug 26 at 3 AM).
Problems are from RP (Ruina and Pratap) or BJ (Beer and Johnston) unless otherwise specified or written out.
Wed Aug 25
Read by Wednesday September 7: RP pages 14-37
Review by Friday Aug 27: RP 2.1 (Vector notation and
addition). Master Sample 2.1.
Problems: 2.1.6, 7, 20, 23, 39
(Five problems from section 2.1)
(If the numbers of your problems don't look like this, you have the wrong book.)
Frid Aug 27, HW1 Solution
RP 2.2 (dot product), 2.3 (cross
product), 2.4 (moment)
Problems: 2.2.11, 20, 2.3.2,
14, 2.4.13
(Five problems total)
Mon Aug 30, Matlab code from
RP 2.5 (Solving vector equations)
Practice (but don't hand in) 2.5.1e, 2d, 3c,
4, 5
Problems: Hand
in 2.5.9 (that's one problem, #9 in section 2.5)
Wed Sep 1
RP 2.6 (Equivalent forces)
Problems: 2.6.8 (all pts of application make angles of 45 degrees
relative to standard axes),
optional challenge: 2.6.16
Fri Sep 3, Matlab code,
Read by Sept 8 Section RP 3.1 & 3.2 (Free Body Diagrams)
supplement readings in RP3.1-2 watch VideoNote ENGRD
2020 Fall 2009, Sept 23.
to 2:15. Furthest right distance on bottom of blackboard figure should be d/2.)
This lecture: 2.7, 4.1,
4.2(Center of mass, Equilibrium
of a particle and rigid object)
(the cutout circle is bigger than the picture indicates, its diameter is almost
the radius of the
plate ), 4.1.23,
4.2.14, 22,
***Mon Sept 6: Labor Day, no classes***
Wed Sep 8
RP 4.3 (statics with friction)
Practice 4.4.1 - 9
Problems: 4.3.10, 15, 20
Fri Sep 10, Marked up student solutions
to HW 3 here.
Statics w/ friction (cont'd)
Blocks, logs and wheels
Mon Sep 13
4.4 (Internal forces)
RP 4.5 (3D statics of objects)
Practice 4.5.1 - 4 (that means 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 and
Problems: 4.4.10, 4.5.10 (text error: change IE to
CE and change I,C and B to C
and B),
Wed Sep 15
RP 5.1 (Truss, method of joints)
Practice 5.1.1-12
Problems 5.1.13, 21
Fri Sep 17
RP 5.2 (Truss, method of sections)
Practice 5.2.1-6
Problems 5.2.7 (change the base length AF to 3L, 2L is wrong), 5.2.14,
Mon Sep 20 Matlab code.
posted solutions for this week HW, but they are like 5.5.10 below.
RP 5.3 (Trusses, computer solution intro)
RP 5.5 (Advanced truss concepts, if you have not taken 2940 skip
things you don't understand)
Problems: 5.3.1, 2, 3
Wed Sep 22
RP 5.3 (Trusses, computer solution)
Problems: 5.3.7 (can you do this without a computer?)
Sep 24 (All of this week's HW due Sat Oct 2 at 10PM)
RP 5.3 (Trusses, computer solution)
Problems 5.3.11 a, d (do by hand and compare with the computer
All problems from section 5.3 should be done by computer. At a minimum this would
mean using the supplied program and/or writing ad hoc commands for doing
the homework. At a maximum this would mean writing your own general truss solver
using the algorithm in the book or one of your own design. In between would be
modifying the supplied program in ways you find interesting. You can compare
your solution with one by the supplied program. You can also see which of the
trusses you can solve by hand or what the difficulties are of a hand solution
that are overcome by the computer. You can further play with geometry and loads
and try to tease out interesting features of trusses or of truss solution algorithms.
In all cases you should follow the various guidelines for homework given at the
top of this page (documented printouts, clear work, etc).
Mon Sep 27
RP 5.4 (Frames and structures)
Practice: 5.4.1-4
Problems: 5.4.5, 9, 10 , 5.5.10a,d
---Tues Sept 28, Prelim 1, Covers through lecture of Wed Sept 22.--- Exam and solutions
Wed Sep 29
RP 6.1 (Mechanisms: springs)
Practice 6.1.1 - 6
Problems: 6.1.7, 11, 16, 17
Fri Oct 1
RP 6.2 (Force amplification: pulleys, wedges,
Problems: 6.2.6, 17, 22
Mon Oct 4
RP 6.3 (Mechanisms)
Problems 6.3.2, 6
Wed Oct 6
More on 5.4, 6.1-3 (Frames and mechanisms)
6.3.14 (a more clear version of the figure for 6.3.14 is here)
6.3.15, 16
Fri Oct 8: This HW (MWF) due Friday Oct 15 at 10 PM. A two
day extension.
More on 5.4, 6.1-3 (Frames and mechanisms)
6.2.25, 6.3.11
***Mon Oct 11, Fall break, no classes ***
Wed Oct 13
RP 8.1 (Hydrostatics)
8.1.3, 4, 6 [(a) answer depends on mu, (b) use mu = 0.5], 8
Fri Oct 15
BJ 8.1-4 (Shear and normal stress)
Problems: 8.5b, 11, 12b,
Mon Oct 18
BJ 8.6-7 (Stress in structures, design)
Problems: 8.13, 16
Wed Oct 20 Guest lecturer: Professor Wolfgang
BJ 8.8-10 (Stress on crooked planes, general loading,
Problems: 8.25, 29, 31, 8.50a, 8.55a
Fri Oct 22 Guest lecturer: Professor Herbert
C.Y. Hui.
BJ 9.1-5 (Axial stress and strain, material properties), see also
RP 7.1
Problems: 9.1, 9.3, 16,
Mon Oct 25
BJ 9.7 (Deformation)
BJ 9.8-9 (Thermal stresses, statically indeterminate problems)
Problems: 9.25, 30, 34
Wed Oct 27
BJ 9.12 (Shear strain, E, G, nu) , scan BJ
Problems: 44a, 77, 9.55
Fri Oct 29
BJ 10.1-4 (Torsion of elastic round bars)
Problems: 10.1, 3, 11c, 51
Mon Nov 1
BJ 10.5 (Angle of twist)
Problems: 10.32, 33
Wed Nov 3
BJ 10.6 (Twisting of Indeterminate round shafts)
Problems: 10.45, 59
---Thurs Nov 4: Prelim 2, inclusive through lecture of Oct 22---
Fri Nov 5
BJ 11.1-3 (Pure bending)
Problems: 11.1, 2, 17, 24a
BJ 11.4 (Stress and deformation in bending)
Problems: 11.23, 97
Mon Nov 8
BJ 11.5 (Bending of composites, rebar)
Problems: 11.25, 11.45
Wed Nov 10
RP 7.1, BJ 12.1-2 (Shear and Bending Moment diagrams)
Practice: RP 7.1.1-3
Problems: RP 7.1.4 (easy), 7.1.17 (harder)
12.1, 2, 7, 26
Fri Nov 12
BJ 12.3-4 (dM/dx, dV/dx, design of beams)
Problems: 12.29, 35, 47
Mon Nov 15
BJ 13.1-3 (Shear in Beams)
Problems: 12.61,
13.13, 17, 19
Wed Nov 17
BJ 13.4 (Shear in common beams)
Problems: 12.17, 19
Fri Nov 19 (This week's HW due due Mon Nov 29, 10 PM)
BJ 15.1-3 (Deflection of Beams)
Problems: 15.1, 2, 4,
Mon Nov 22
BJ 15.1-3 (Deflection of Beams)
Problems: 15.12, 18
Wed Nov 24
BJ 15.5 (Indeterminate beams)
*** Thanksgiving break ***
Mon Nov 29
BJ 15.6 Superposition for beams
Problems: 15.34
Wed Dec 1
BJ 15.7 Superposition and indeterminate beams
Problems: 15.47, 15.59, 15.62
Frid Dec 3
Sat Dec 4: Makeup prelim (9 AM - 11:30+) and Homework exam (1 - 5 PM)
Fri Dec 10. Final Exam. 9:00 - 11:30. Comprehensive. 5 questions.
(No makeup is scheduled. If you have a conflict let it be known early in the