TAM 202, Spring 2003

Staff, Office hours and Section Schedule

202 Home page | Syllabus | Homework Guidelines, Exams & Grading | Laboratories | Staff, Office Hours & Section Schedule | Staff Responsibilities | Final Exam Information

Lectures: Andy Ruina, KL 306, 255-7107, ruina@cornell.edu

Vijay Muralidharan TH 236 255-9174 vm45@cornell.edu
Tian Tang TH 306 255-0986 tt88@cornell.edu
Peeyush Bhargava TH 304 255-0824 pb83@cornell.edu
Charles Tempest KL 214 254-8593 crt7@cornell.edu
Hui Chen hc267@cornell.edu

Guozhi Foo 256-3286 gf28@cornell.edu Si Jing Ng 277-2966 sn87@cornell.edu

Lab Supervisor: Dan Mittler KL 217 255-9172 dm68@cornell,edu

Office Hours: Thurston 102 ( Conway Room )
Name Day Time
Charles Tempest Sunday 3:00-5:00PM
Tian Tang Monday 2:30-4:30PM
Hui Chen Monday 4:30-6:30PM
Peeyush Bhargava Monday 4:30-6:30PM
Vijay Muralidharan Monday 6:30-8:30PM
Andy Ruina Wednesday

Extra section, all welcome (held in the statics lab room Thurston 101)

Extra section is a voluntary section where Andy Ruina will do whatever you want. This could be explaining a topic or doing a homework problem.
If you are struggling with the class so need this kind of extra help, and this time does not work for you, please let us know.

Don Conway Monday 1-3PM

Class and Section Schedule
679-706 Lecture 01 MWF 9:05 - 9:55AM HO B14 Prof. Ruina
681-716 Section 01 R 9:05 - 9:55AM HO 312 Vijay M.
681-825 Section 02 R 11:15 - 12:05PM OH 216 T. Tang
681-873 Section 03 R 10:10- 11:00AM OH 216 T. Tang
682-013 Section 04 F 10:10- 11:00AM TH 202 Vijay M.
682-156 Section 06 F 11:15 - 12:05PM TH 202 Vijay M.