TAM 202, Lab and recitation Schedule, Spring 2001
Labs: Cyril Youinou, cy46@cornell.edu, 230 Thurston, 266-8851.
Labs meet only 4 times during the semester. Here are the dates you have lab (also posted outside room 101a). To change your lab time go to Kimball 212.
Please read the lab manual for the lab before you come to lab, it has in it an assignment that is due when you come to lab.
All labs meet in Thurston 101a.
Section Day Time Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 1 Mon 1:25-3:30 2/5 2/26 3/26 4/16 2 Mon 1:25-3:30 2/12 3/5 4/2 4/23 3 Mon 1:25-3:30 2/12 3/5 4/2 4/23 4 Mon 7:30-9:30P 2/5 2/26 3/26 4/16 5 Mon 7:30-9:30P 2/12 3/5 4/2 4/23 6 Mon 7:30-9:30P 2/12 3/5 4/2 4/23 7 Tue 2:45-4:45 2/6 2/27 3/27 4/17 8 Tue 2:45-4:45 2/13 3/6 4/3 4/24 9 Tue 2:45-4:45 2/13 3/6 4/3 4/24 10 Wed 1:25-3:30 2/7 2/28 3/28 4/18 11 Wed 1:25-3:30 2/14 3/7 4/4 4/25 12 see note below 13 Thurs 2:45-4:45 2/8 3/1 3/29 4/19 14 Thurs 2:45-4:45 2/8 3/1 3/29 4/19 15 Thurs 2:45-4:45 2/8 3/1 3/29 4/19Note time change for sections 7,8,9,13,14,15 (starting at 2:45 instead of 2:30) Lab 12 people should report to the following labs: Jared Brody 10 Reene Lau 11 Dianne Dong 10 Wei Tan 11 S. Herbowy 10 K Whitman 11
Recitations: Wang Ying, yw56@cornell.edu, 217 Kimball, 255-4079.
# day&time Room (1) R 9:05 Hollister 312 (3) R 10:10 Ohlin 216 (2) F 9:05 Hollister 314 (note room change) (4) F 10:10 Ohlin 216 (6) F 11:15 Thurston 203 (note room change)
Write to TAM 202 Staff, or write directly to us (alr3) if you want an answer.
Send ANONYMOUS comments if you want to tell us something but don't want us to know who you are (and to which we cannot respond to you).