TAM 202, Spring 2001
Statics and Strength of Solids: Cornell's "Courses of Study" official description (approximately correct).News:
- Your grades are recorded on the grading page below. If you feel there is a descrepancy of some kind, please read through the grading policy, check your records, and then contact Ying Wang.
Syllabus: lecture and prelim topics and schedule
Homework: policies, assignments, solutions, grading comments
Extra Credit: how to make up low or missing homework grades
Office hours: schedule and location
Prelim and Final: dates, rooms, coverage, solutions
General info: staff, texts, sections, labs
Grading: grading policy, all recorded numerical and letter gradesFor fun: Rod Lakes negative Poisson ratio foam.
The Beer and Johnston Statics text is on reserve in the library. Please see the sections on structures and machines, pages 305-340, to see problems of the pulley, wrench, vice-grip etc type.
Write to TAM 202 Staff, or write directly to us (alr3) if you want an answer.
Send ANONYMOUS comments if you want to tell us something but don't want us to know who you are (and to which we cannot respond to you).