Text Sections
Aug |
27 |
F |
(AR) |
"Design" = strength, stiffness & durability |
1 |
30 |
M |
(AR) |
Forces and moments in mechanisms, rolling log, wheel |
3.0-8,3.10 |
Sep |
1 |
W |
(AR) |
wheel continued |
3 |
F |
(AR) |
wheel continued, lever |
6 |
M |
(AR) |
forces at joints, determinacy |
8 |
W |
(AR) |
bike brake, U-joint |
10 |
F |
(AR) |
kinematics: pos., displ., vel., accel. |
13 |
M |
(AR) |
4-bar linkage |
15 |
W |
(AR) |
4-bar linkage, trig. and num. integ. for angles |
17 |
F |
(AR) |
4-bar linkage |
20 |
M |
(AR) |
4-bar linkage, ode23 and matlab |
22 |
W |
(AR) |
4-bar linkage, matlab |
24 |
F |
(AR) |
Stress, strain, and stiffness... tension |
4.7 |
27 |
M |
(AR ) |
beams, singularity functions |
3.9, 4.9, 4.12 |
29 |
W |
(AR) |
singularity functions |
Oct |
1 |
F |
(AR) |
deflection in beams |
4 |
M |
(AR) |
singularity functions, deflection, compliance |
6 |
W |
(AR) |
statically indeterminate bending, stress |
8 |
F |
(AR) |
stress and Mohr's circle |
4.1-6, 4.8, 4.13 |
11 |
M |
(AR) |
stress |
13 |
W |
(AR) |
stress, strain, ppal stress |
4.0 - 4.3, 4.7 |
15 |
F |
(AR) |
plane stress/strain Mohr's circle; max shear stress, failure theory |
4.4 4.5 4.6; 5.1 |
18 |
M |
(AR) |
torsion |
4.12 |
20 |
W |
(AR) |
combined loads, stress distributions |
4.13 |
22 |
F |
(AR) |
stress concentrations, failure theories |
25 |
M |
(FV) |
springs, compression |
4.14, 13 |
27 |
W |
(FV) |
springs, stress concentrations, resonance, sample problem |
13 |
29 |
F |
(FV) |
springs |
13 |
Nov |
1 |
M |
(FV) |
buckling (columns and springs) |
4.16 |
3 |
W |
(AR) |
case studies in stress and deflection example lecture |
4.18 |
5 |
F |
(FV) |
fatigue |
6.1, 6.2 |
8 |
M |
(FV) |
design for high-cycle fatigue |
6.9-6.11 |
10 |
W |
(FV) |
reversed and fluctuating stresses |
6.9-6.11 |
12 |
F |
(FV) |
shafts |
9 |
15 |
M |
(FV) |
shafts |
9 |
17 |
W |
(FV) |
Bearings |
10 |
18 |
T |
PRELIM 2, Kimball B11 |
19 |
F |
(FV) |
gears |
12 |
22 |
M |
(AR) |
gears |
12 |
24 |
W |
(AR) |
fasteners |
14 |
26 |
F |
29 |
M |
(AR) |
fasteners screws |
14 |
Dec |
1 |
W |
(AR) |
clutches and breaks |
15 |
3 |
F |
(AR) |
clutches and breaks |
15 |
15 |
W |
--FINAL EXAM-- 9:00 - 11:30 am, Kimball B11 |